October 1998 - I first came up with the concept of the game. This involved many hours of dreaming and strategizing in the upstairs room I rented from Mrs. Peche in the U-District for $300 a month.
November 1998 - Russell, my brother, introduces the concept of boats. We produce the first version of the game on a durable piece of plywood. This version has 15 cities including two "export" cities - Tokyo and Havana.
December 1998 - My instructor gives me an "A" on the project but an "A-" in the class.
1999 - 2004 - The game mostly lies dormant, although we play it from time to time.
December 2005 - a brainstorming session leads to the strategic addition of weigh stations. As I recall, that brainstorming session included me, my brothers John and Russell, and my wife. We also briefly experiment with faster roads representing "freeways", but then discard that idea.
January 2006 - I first seriously entertain the idea of producing the game as a business venture. I make a more sophisticated board, with more cities. I also remove the "stop signs." My wife and I play the game with various friends and family. (Thank you Andrew and Amber for your encouragement at this time.)
February 2006 - My wife suggests "in-transit cards" to add interest to the game. After a brief consideration, I try it. Everybody agrees that they work really well. I also add optional "mission cards." On President's Day weekend, I attend a games convention to get an initial idea of how the game industry works.
Latter half of 2006 - I work on the game a lot. Most of my time is spent making minor adjustments to the game board, transit cards, and instructions.
November 2006 - Tom S. helps me put together a testing party for Moss Adams co-workers at his house. I introduce the colored marbles as a way to keep track of game progress.
December 2006 - My game undergoes some significant early beta testing, including the testing party at Moss Adams. We also played it at New Year's (good job "legal" Jim - I'm putting in a brown truck for you!) and several times over Christmas. I contemplate a shorter version of the instructions to include on the game board itself. Jon M. helps me brainstorm some ideas for the box top.
January 2007 - My brother Russell, a graphic design student, draws the first version of the box top.
February - May 2007 - I work extensively with Michael and his team on the game design. The box cover (draft above) and the game board are nearing completion.
April) 2007 - Initiate conversation with Michael on tooling custom playing pieces (trucks and boats).
May 8, 2007 - Moss Adams writer Shay K. reviews my instructions.
June 2007 - My wife and I test the latest version of the game with the King family. We received many great recommendations from them. One key recommendation was to make custom crates that "fit into" the boats and trucks. Another recommendation had to do with adding bribe type strategies, which I incorporated into the FAQ section of the instructions.
June 14, 2007 - I send email to get feedback on "which box top" to use - the cartoony one or the darker one. The vote came back 51 to 31 in favor of the darker one. I got many good comments as well. The decision to go with the darker version of the game "locks in" the game as a true strategy-type game.
June - July 2007 - Work with Lisa at Board Game Manufacturing to create custom crate playing pieces to fit into the custom boats and trucks.
June - September 2007 - Continue to work with Michael and MJS Creations to finalize the design. We spend a lot of time on the game board. I also spend significant time refining the instructions and the transit cards.
September 5, 2007 - I approve the game for manufacturing.
September 10, 2007 - I mail a copyright application to U.S. Copyright office.
September 14, 2007 - I receive manufacturing proof prints for approval.
September 16-18, 2007 - I catch a couple of key typos on the delivery cards - right before the printing begins.
October 25, 2007 � I receive the completed manufactured game sample for review.
October 26, 2007 � I approve the sample, and Lisa instructs the factory to begin the first run of 500 games.
November 29, 2007 - I receive the first 500 copies of the completed game